In order to build a resilient nodejs backend application there is a special chapter for managing termination signals. Here there are many reasons why Kubernetes might terminate a perfectly healthy container.
- Draining nodes
- Rolling deploys
- Scaling down operations
- Eviction due to resource constraints
- Manual pod deletion
The termination lifecycle in kubernetes go through several steps:
- Pod is set to the “Terminating” State and removed from the endpoints list of all Services (At this point, the pod stops getting new traffic)
- preStop Hook is executed (usually used for gracefull shutdown when SIGTERM is or can’t be managed in the application itself)
- SIGTERM signal is sent to the pod (This is where listener for managing SIGTERM should be managing e.g. stopping any long-lived connections, etc)
- Kubernetes waits for a grace period (default of 30s)
- SIGKILL signal is sent to pod, and the pod is removed
Signal management
SIGTERM (Signal 15): This signal is the default signal sent to a process for termination.
SIGINT (Signal 2): This signal is generated when a user interrupts the application process using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C. Although Kubernetes does not directly send SIGINT to terminate a pod, it can be used during local development or testing.
Managing termination signals in a nestjs node application
Create new service for managing graceful shutdown
1 | import { Inject, Injectable, OnApplicationShutdown } from '@nestjs/common'; |
Register the service in the corresponding module as a provider
1 | import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; |
In your main.ts file, add the following code to gracefully handle shutdown signals
1 | import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core'; |
See full example repository here
By following these steps, your NestJS application with TypeORM will be able to handle graceful shutdowns by properly closing the database connection, allowing for a clean and controlled termination process.
Kubernetes can terminate pods for a great variety of reasons, and making sure your application handles these terminations gracefully is core to creating a stable system and providing a great user experience.